METCON 2! Full-body strength + cardio circuit

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Did you ever see that meme? ;D

Let's make our body fat cry bye-bye!

Here's another high-intensity metabolic conditioning workout that incorporates full-body strength movements. 

Only got 15 minutes? Make it happen!!!! :)

We're working to get through 2-4 sets, with no breaks in between each of the 4 exercises (which make up 1 giant set), & 30-60sec rest in between sets. Target time 15-30 min! I suggest setting up everything beforehand, so you can move seamlessly from one exercise to the next.

What you need: a pair of dumbbells; a box, flat bench, or chair (not recommended: folding chairs or ones with rolling feet) -- even a low bed will do; watch or clock with a second hand; optional yoga mat

#1: Step-up + RDL (Romanian Deadlift)

10 reps per side (complete all one side first, then switch to the other)

  • Stand a few inches in front of a box, flat bench, or non-moving chair with your dumbbells at your sides

  • Inhale + place your foot on top of the elevated surface

  • While minimizing pushing-off from your back foot, exhale + drive through the heel of the front foot to bring your body up so you are standing tall on top of the box, with hips coming all the way forward

  • Inhale + shift your hips back as you maintain a flat back (don't round the back!) + allow the dumbbells to lower to your shin-level, feel a hamstring stretch (back of thigh)

  • Exhale + bring the hips forward until you are standing tall + squeeze the glutes (butt)

  • Carefully + slowly step down from the box one foot at a time, and repeat the same side

#2: Floor hip raise + Chest press + Tricep extension

15 reps

  • Lie down on your back with knees bent + feet flat on the floor, toes pointing straight, feet hip distance apart, with your dumbbells stacked above elbows, arms 45 degrees from your body (make sure your shoulders are away from ears -- relax the traps!)

  • Inhale, Exhale + Raise the hips up + squeeze the glutes

  • Inhale, Exhale + Press the dumbbells straight up

  • Inhale + rotate the dumbbells so that the palms face each other + start to go towards the floor above your head

  • Exhale + lock the elbows into place near your chin + press the dumbbells back towards your chest, fully extending the arms

  • Lower the hips down to the floor

#3: Bent over row + Hammer curl + Overhead press

15 reps

  • Stand with feet 6-10 inches apart (inside hip distance), toes pointing straight ahead, allowing your dumbbells to hang at your sides

  • Inhale + Bend over approx. 30 degrees while maintaining a straight back

  • Exhale + Row the dumbbells to your sides + Squeeze the shoulder blades together

  • Inhale + Lower down the dumbbells + stand tall

  • Exhale + Curl the dumbbells (palms facing each other) + Press overhead

  • Lower down the dumbbells to your sides slowly + with control

#4: Mountain climbers

80 per side, or 1 min

  • Place the ball of each foot on a slider (on a slippery surface, you can use small rags or towels, and on a carpeted surface you can use glossy-covered textbook or magazines) + get into push-up position

  • Bring each knee alternating into the chest + pick up a moderate pace with steady breathing